Best Visuals 2020 Monumental

The Judges were struck by the game's impressive table presence. The tiles are colourful and uniquely shaped, making the playing space they create eye-catching. Whether the cards, tiles, or other items the illustrations are detailed and atmospheric, helping to draw players into the world. And then there is the large array of excellently sculpted and cast miniatures.

Australian involvement comes from Matthew Dunstan, the game's designer.

In Monumental, each player will control a civilization that will evolve through his city: a grid of 3x3 cards (coming out from the player's starting civilization deck) that can each be activated to gather various resources such as Science, Military, Production, Culture, and Gold that will allow them to trigger many actions. But there’s a trick: one cannot activate all their cards at once, which means that tough choices will have to be made each turn in order to select the cards that are the most needed.

‐ from the publisher

Best Visuals 2020 runners-up were Fairy Season & On Mars